
NCSL Meeting Minutes of June 18, 1998
Meeting called to order at 7:10PM.

Roll call showed a quorum.

Clubs not present: Baltimore Football Club, Eastern Panhandle, Falls Church, Soccer Club of Baltimore, and Waldorf.

Presidents Report
Best wishes to Jim McGoldrick who had surgery two weeks ago.

Each U10 team gets a letter with their registration packet that gives them the date of the mandatory meeting in the fall. The meeting will be held on Sept. 1 at Marshall High School at 7:30PM. A representative from each team must attend or the team will not play in the NCSL in the fall.

Virginia teams need an administer for the Northern District ODP boys program.

Our thanks to Kathleen for a great job on rescheduling. We had a great deal of conflict with state cup, etc. Kathleen has volunteered to get a committee together to look at rescheduling.

Motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Seconded and passed.

Welcome to Tim Miller, President of Maryland Youth Soccer.

R&D-Ray Greenberg
More red cards than usual this spring. Review the list, lists everyone to date that owes a sitout. Game cards are still coming in so there will be some additions. R&D will meet next month to assess sitouts and penalties. Teams need to keep track of accumulated points. Review the rules, call Ray if there is a question

MD.-Mike Basilio - There is a new roster form with two changes--a separate column for state and a new column that deferentiates player status. Throw out last years forms, please use the new ones. Club reps please help teams do it right.
VA.-Jim Fraize - Club reps need to take the calls when there are any questions for the registrars, then if you don't know the answer you can call the registrar. There is a disk in each packet with the new rosters on it. It is compatible with Windows 95. Wednesday night rule will be strictly enforced this year except for state cup. No one will get their roster before September 1, you can retrieve your old cards to use for August tournaments.

Motion is made to accept the calendar as printed. Seconded and passed.

Budget is presented. Patches are for new teams and new players on existing teams. A question was raised about referee assignor fees. If the referee does not show is the assignor paid his fee? The answer is yes. Discussion followed on the problem of referees not showing, A report on coverage will be issued in the fall. Motion is made to accept the budget as shown. Seconded and passed.

Motion -- Sit-outs being served in a game terminated by weather would not count and sit-outs being served in a game terminated by actions on the field that are not weather related would be reviewed by the R&D Committee to determine whether or not the sit-out will count.

Motion is seconded and passed.

Motion for change in the rules and procedure manual for high school structure is made (see attached). A motion to separate the fee section from the original motion was made, seconded and passed. Motion was seconded and passed.

Motion to change the fee for a grievance on structure was made and seconded. Motion defeated.

Motion- No provision for grievance permitted for structure. Seconded and passed.

Motion by McLean for a non-results oriented play made with option 1 (see attached). Seconded. After discussion a motion was made to table the motion. Seconded and passed. The motion was tabled.

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:20. Motion seconded and passed. We will return for the AGM meeting at 9:30PM.